
“Going Dark in the Summer”

July 17, 2007

Summer timeI just wanted to pass on a quick note to the readers of my blog.  All of the Lodges in my area “go dark” in the summer months, so there isn’t too much going on right now in my Masonic journey. 

I don’t want to write posts for the sake of “just writing something”, because I don’t want to add too much clutter to the blog.  I want the blog to continue to be a fairly coherent story of my Masonic experiences. 

I have found that most of my visitors find my blog through search engines, and judging by their search terms, they are people who are just starting to discover what Freemasonry is all about.  I started writing about 7 months ago, and I have now passed 20,000 hits, so it is very rewarding to be providing this resource to so many people.  I expected to have maybe 5 or 6 people per day stumble on to this blog, so I’m actually quite surprised by the interest.

When I was first looking into Freemasonry on the Internet, I was looking for personal experiences of what Masonry was really like and what to expect.  I couldn’t find that information out there, so I started this blog. 

Right now I am still working on my Master Mason’s catechism and will be “proving up” in September.  I’ll tell you all about it then…


  1. Just a comment on the “go dark” term:

    I hear this used all the time with regard to lodges closing down for the summer, but it’s more correctly used to describe a lodge that has turned in its charter or closed permanently.

    Yeah, it’s a nit pick, but I’m a Past Master now, so it’s okay. 😉

  2. What is meant in your area by the term ‘going dark in summer?’ We do not have such a thing.

  3. Congratulations on your journey. I completed mine from January to April of this year, though I also have yet to be examined for my Master Mason degree. I would invite you to visit us this coming Thursday for a special raising ceremony to be held during the EAA convention.

  4. Greetings,
    I just created my own blog related to beginning my journey in Freemasonry. Have only posted a holding article so far.
    I saw your last post was when you only had 32,000 visitors and now your blog stats read 207,330 hits! Can you share your reflections about the Craft three years into it?
    Your blog is very helpful.

  5. Here we are, 4 years after his initiation. I read this blog and it really made me want to become a Freemason. I was initiated 3/16/11 as an Entered Apprentice. Thank you for sharing your experience. Are they any updates?

    • Strange, I guess this blog is no longer active. It is awesome though. I am now 7th degree Royal Arch.

  6. Thank you for writing this blog it is awesome. I am currently waiting for the investigation to commence at my lodge but it is all very exciting still. My lodge follows New York ritual which is exciting to me since I am from there and would love to travel back to visit bothers there. You are right it is hard to find a first hand account of ones experiences or feelings within Freemasonry. There is a lot of objective information out there. So again thank you.

  7. Great blog! I am going for my first degree in two weeks and this answered many questions I have without giving up any true secrets. Thank you!

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